IELTS Speaking Course: Lesson 2 - Prepositions
Some prepositional mistakes are ok, as they are quite hard to learn and you don't want to overthink everything, but many mistakes are rather noticeable.
Hello everyone and welcome to lesson 2 of the course. This lesson will be dedicated to prepositions and here's why: I once taught a group of 13 intermediate and advanced students on an IELTS speaking course and during the mock speaking tests for each student, a total of 131 errors were made by the class and 25 of them were prepositional mistakes. It's ok to make a couple of mistakes with prepositions as they are quite hard to learn and you don't want to overthink everything, but many mistakes are definitely noticeable. Watch the video below for some tips when learning prepositions at higher levels.
Click on the button in the toolbar for subtitles!
I should mention that 'on the end' is also a correct phrase, but it is a standard preposition of place, so it is not included in the table in the video.
If you'd like to know more about collocations, here's a link to the video I mentioned: