IELTS Speaking Course: Lesson 8 - Word Formation

We return to the area of lexical resource and look at creating more formal vocabulary through the use of affixes.

Wooden Scrabble tiles scattered on a white surface. Used to represent word formation in this IELTS speaking course.
Welcome to the final lesson of this online IELTS speaking course! (Photo by Clarissa Watson / Unsplash).

Hi everyone! For the final lesson of this course we will return to working on lexical resource. Just like the previous lesson in which we were using gerund and infinitive forms to create more complex sentences, in this lesson we will be looking at creating more formal vocabulary through the use of affixes. Watch the video below to find out more.


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In the video, I mentioned a 'hereditary condition' being something you inherit from your parents. By 'condition', I mean a medical condition that others in your family maybe have as well. An idiom for 'hereditary' is the verb phrase 'to run in the family', as seen in lesson 5.